Maiden in Distress

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Iconoclast: An interview with Teacher G

I had the privelage of interviewing Teacher G in order to understand his perspective of how children's literature can best be used in the classroom.

1. What role does literature play in the classroom curriculum?
Literature in the classroom was once limited to reading text books. I supplement this by bringing in my own books to read to my dual language students. I select culturally sensitive materials that are also age appropriate. I go by reading level and select books that are easily translated to both Spanish and English. I like to do comparison/contrasts with different books. Yesterday, I took a Chinese version of Little Red Riding Hood (Lom Po Po) and a Spanish translation of Little Red Riding Hood (traditional). The stories are read as whole group reading at the beginning of the lesson. Literature is also whole group, guided reading, and silent reading.

2. What kinds of books are chosen? Why and How?
Culturally sensitive books are a way to egage students in Reading. I use really challenging books and I focus on the child's level of comprehension. However, my main criterion is that the books are culturally sensitive. I do worry that my students may pick up a Hannah Montana book simply because it is pop culture instead of a book on Cesar Chavez that is more relevant to their culture. It is my responsibility to expose my students to the language and culture of the dual language class because of the fundamental principales of a Spanish language class. I do not use graphic novels because I feel that it requires a higher level of language and should be used with other grades.

3A.Who decides on what books are used in the classroom?
I select the books for my classroom.

3B.What do you think about having student selected books to read aloud?
I think that is a good suggestion. It could get kids more excited about books when they bring in their own books to share.

4. What is the teacher's theoretical perspective on teaching or specifically on using children's literature in the curriculum?
Children's literature is the center of my daily literature block. It provides kids with vocabulary, fluency, sight words, and concepts. It expands a child's imagination and makes them creative. A child's creativity is stiffled with the rote curriculum (Teacher speak, Student speak, Teacher speak, Student speak). There are a tons of books in the world. There are no limitations.

5. Who inspired your love of reading?
My grandfather got me to love reading and got me interested in a lot of books. He used to read a folktale to me that was brought over from Spain. It was about a boy who cried wolf. Although my grandfather had only a third grade education, he always pushed us to be the very best.


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